What does their handwriting
say about them? -by Bart Baggett
Over the years,
famous and infamous personalities became front page news. From the famous
ransom note left by the killers of Jon Benet Ramsey to the quickly scralled
note OJ Simpson wrote in the back of the white Ford Bronco just days
after his wife and Ron Goldman were murdered. More recently, the anthrax
laded letters sent to the US Government and executed terrorist Timothy
McVeigh also made headlines. There is a story in each handwriting sample.
Some of these stories I was asked to comment on worldwide television
(CNN: Anthrax Letters October 2001). The Ramsey page was created back
in 1997 and remains one of the most popular web pages on our site.
Check back to this page as new breaking news develops
that has a "handwriting" related element.
Below are articles and handwriting
samples you will find interesting from the News.
Murders and Suspected Murderers
DC Sniper notes. Terrorized the Washington DC area for 14 days in
October 2002 shooting up to 12 people, killing at least 10 of them with
a single bullet through a hole in the back of their white car trunk.
Two suspects were finally arrested. This is the handwriting of the adult.
Ted Bundy - notorious serial killer . Executed. Suspected in the
vicious murder and rape of dozens of girls in the Washington State area.
Dropped out of law school. Thought to be highly intelligent.
3. Robert Blake,
Actor (accused of wife's murder)
4. OJ
Simpson (found not guilty of wife's murder) (Shown
inside the Certification Home Study Course. Not online at this time.
See Handouts Diagram #17)
5. Timothy
McVeigh, Executed Bomber of the Oklahoma City Federal Building.
Jack the Ripper - Serial Killer in London around 1900's.
News / Crooks/ Terrorists
7. Ken
Lay, x-CEO of Enron. (Largest bankruptcy and corporate scandel the
US has ever seen.)
8. Gary
Condit Senator whose intern went missing and her body was found
six months later. Mr. Condit did a national TV interview and appeared
guilty. The murder is still under investigation.
9. Jon
Benet Ramsey - Ransom Note and commentary
10. Anthrax
Letters sent to Tom Brokaw and Senator Dashel.
11. Osama
Bin Laden's signature (Terrorist and Strategist behind the World
Trade Center Attack.)